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Services & Solutions HI GIO S3 Storage

A comprehensive solution built on the Object Storage platform flexibly connected via the S3 protocol

About HI GIO S3 Storage

An unlimited Backup Storage solution for businesses 

HI GIO S3 Storage is a comprehensive solution built on the Object Storage platform flexibly connected via the S3 protocol. Meets security standards with fast data access, cost optimization, and high availability from many environments. This solution suits Data Lake, Cloud-native Application Data, Data Archiving, Backup and Recovery.

How does it work ?

HI GIO S3 Storage provides advanced cloud data storage solutions from local backup data or global Clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP) to the local Cloud.

+ Backup from other S3 services 

+ Backup directly from NAS devices, or on-premises devices 

+ Backup directly from some cloud-native applications on the HI GIO platform

Why choose us

FPT Telecom network connection - transmission bandwidth is always stable, fastest, and most consistent 

Data on servers located at FPT Data Center meeting international standards (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh)

Optimize 30-50% of operating costs and system investment compared to other CPSs

24/7/365 support from a team of leading telecommunications experts, both domestic and international (English - Vietnamese - Japanese)

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